Norms are the specific guides that defines acceptable behavior in the society, definitely
principles and rules. Norms are physical (can be seen) examples ones dressing style. Also, the are
specific social rules which tells us what should be done or not. In many culture it deals with safety
and properties also through norms individuals praise their action has well as reward or punish after
the actions. Sometimes norms produce laws. norms are breakable not like laws and morality. The
are generated by conformity and existence when there is community.
Norms contain the values of a specific culture in which people follows or believe in. they
contain traditional, customs, values and believe. Lastly in most cases there are not writing but in
people’s mind
Values are clusters of the acceptable behaviors. This are abstract ideas. People are appeal
to values being a component of culture thus tends to change from time to time. some values exist
for long time while others perish. In ethics values donates the degree of important of something or
action with the aim of determining what action are best to do or what is the best way to live or
describe the significant of different actions. The following are types of values.
Individual values; Reflects how we show up in your life and your specific needs the
principles you live by and what you consider important for your interest. Value to consider
enthuasism, creativity, humility, and personal fulfillment.
Relationship values; Reflects how you relate to other people in your life be the friends,
family, or colleagues in an organization. A relationship value includes opens, trust, generosity and
carrying.Organization values; Reflects how organizations shows up and cooperative in the world
organization values including financial groups, team work, productivity and differently alliances
Society values; Reflects how your organization relate to the society. Society values include
future generation, environmental awareness, ecology and sustainability. The following are the
importance of values and norms in human societies in Tanzania.
Helps us to make decisions; The decision we make reflect our values and believes and their
always directed towards the specific purpose that satisfies our individual or collectively needs.
Also, we make deliberate choice to focus on what is important to us.
organization values including financial groups, team work, productivity and differently alliances
Society values; Reflects how your organization relate to the society. Society values include
future generation, environmental awareness, ecology and sustainability. The following are the
importance of values and norms in human societies in Tanzania.
Helps us to make decisions; The decision we make reflect our values and believes and their
always directed towards the specific purpose that satisfies our individual or collectively needs.
Also, we make deliberate choice to focus on what is important to us.
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